About Our Neighborhood

We hope you will enjoy living in this small foothill neighborhood.  There is an abundance of wildlife in the area and many walking, hiking and biking trails close by, including Genesee Park on the south side of I-70.  Ralston Elementary and Rockland Church are on Mt. Vernon Road.  Many of the Ralston graduates attend Bell Middle School and Golden High School in Golden. Mt. Vernon Country Club is north of the neighborhood and has tennis courts, pool, meeting rooms and dining.  For more information concerning membership and facilities, contact the club.


The Genesee Company built the homes in Genesee Crossing from 1987 to 1989.  The company also developed the land south of I-70.  The area of Genesee Crossing was originally a mink ranch and you can still find old fencing and cages from that time.  To the east of the neighborhood is a Denver Park, which has previously been used as a Girl Scout Camp, and a camp for youth groups from Denver. There is a full-time caretaker who lives on the premises and the Denver City Parks maintain the land.  To the west of the neighborhood is the Genesee buffalo herd, also maintained by Denver Parks.  The herd is rotated between the land to the west and land on the south side of the highway.  In the spring there are many new calves…and many visitors in the summer to view the herd. 


In Genesee Town Center there is a country store, gas station, liquor store, restaurants, veterinary services and coffee shop. The retail center boasts other businesses that you will want to explore.


Genesee Crossing has a Homeowners Association (GCHOA) with a board of three homeowners that serve for three years each. One board member is elected each year at the annual meeting, which is held in December.  The Board appoints members to the Architectural Control Committee (ACC), which is composed of three or more members.  The annual dues collected by the HOA are used to maintain the common area (first lot to the south of the south entrance), landscaping for the two entrances, the fencing surrounding the neighborhood, mailbox posts (not the mailboxes) and other miscellaneous HOA expenses. Dues are paid annually in January. Late fees may be accessed if more than 30 days past due.


The homeowners and HOA are governed by the Genesee Crossing covenants, which are filed at the Jefferson County Courthouse.  All homeowners agree to adhere to the covenants when they purchase or rent a home in Genesee Crossing.  These covenants protect the aesthetic and property value of the neighborhood and govern exterior improvements on properties. This includes the parking and storage of vehicles, trailers, and boats on the property, and the general maintenance of the property (weeds, plantings, house maintenance). You would have received a copy of these documents at the purchase of your home.

All requests for outside improvements, including fencing, playground equipment, large plantings, deck expansions, house painting (even if same color), dog runs and solar panels and satellite dish placement must be submitted by the homeowner using the External Improvement Submittal form.  Approval by the Board with input from the ACC must be obtained before the proposed project begins.  There is a thirty-day limit for the Board to respond to the homeowner to approve, disapprove or ask for additional information on the proposed change. The HOA Board may ask for the opinion of the adjacent neighbors if the change will impact their property or views. External Improvement Submittal forms are available upon request from Board or ACC members.


ACC submittal forms are not accepted electronically.  These should be put in the silver GCHOA box located on the mailbox post located at 25876/25856 Buffalo Lane.  Please do not put the forms in the U.S. Postal Service box. Annual Dues may be placed in the box as well or mailed to Carol Newman, Treasurer, GCHOA, 25876 Buffalo Lane, Golden, CO  80401

Most communication from the Board or ACC is done by email.  Please call or email any Board or ACC member for more information. We hope you will consider serving on the Board, ACC, or committee in the future.